Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Few Of My Tricks

When decorating, nothing is more annoying if things DO NOT stay in place.  I don't like seeing extension cords hanging, standing a picture up and then it falls everytime someone gets near it, and holes in the walls from nails is a big one of mine.  Well my friends, I have a few tricks up my sleeve when it comes to hiding all these things, and I usually always have these fixes in my tool drawer.

Loctite, used by teachers for hanging posters and things like that on their classroom walls.  I use it for holding pictures up where you can not put a nail, like this mirror.
I also used it for the two pictures on my bookcase.  Rather than hang them I attached a piece of Loctite to the bottom corners so they don't slip and fall down as soon as someone walks across the floor!
ZOTS - These are removable, it's stretchy like that adhesive on a piece of mail that you receive.  You can use them for wrapping gifts or adhering two pieces of something together instead of glue.  I used it to hold ribbon ends together.
 Paddle wire,  I always have multiples of this in different thicknesses.  I use it on wreaths, to hold balls on garlands, things like that.  It is a very useful product.  
 These are great!  Velcro strips to hang pictures or things like this word sign on a wall without nails, and they are removable, after Christmas you would never know it was hanging here.
 Removable hooks, I use them on furniture and the mantel to hold all my garlands in place
Packing tape, to hide all my cords. I don't like cords showing if I can hide them.  I have lights on the mantel, ran a white cord down the side of mantel and secured with packing tape.  I use packing tape every year and so far has not pulled the paint off.
I also used it on the back of my clock to hold the wires in place so you can't see them when looking at the clock, they are hidden in the back.


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