Monday, November 17, 2014

Easy Pom Pom Garland For Any Occasion

I am in the crafting mood since Christmas is staring me right in the face.  I was in the craft store with my sister looking for ideas for things I could make, and buying new things that I needed to decorate.  We walked all the aisles in that store, there were so many good things in there.  I saw these little sparkly pom poms on one of the shelves and knew exactly what I was going to do with them.  I already had the baker's twine at home in various colors.  Now, I do have 2 pom pom makers, one small and one large, but thought why go through the bother of that, when these are already made and were so cute.  These garlands are easy to decorate with, over a chalkboard sign, across a mirror, draped over a kitchen curtain rod, decorate a gift package.  You can make them as long or as short as you want, and you can make them for different holidays.  This is how I made my little garlands.

One package of sparkly pom poms and I used the red and white baker's twine on the card, so it looked like a candy cane.  I separated the colors - 1 white, 1 green, 1 red and so on.   Lay the twine out in a straight line, I left about a 3 inch end on each side of the twine for hanging.   Start tying the pom poms to the twine, wrapping the twine around the pom pom once, then tightly knotting it so you don't see the twine.  Space the pom poms evenly before you knot them to the twine.  Fluff up the pom pom and...........
Done, so cute, shiny and bright.  This is a picture of 3 small garlands using 22 small pom poms.  Adjust the amount of poms poms for how big you are going to make your garland.


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