Friday, November 28, 2014

Sweet Butternut Squash

OMG!  I am back in the groove again.  I have been decorating for Christmas for the last 6 days and I am still not done!  Why, oh why, do I do this every year!  I wasn't even going to decorate this year, but my youngest decided to come for the holiday, and to my surprise she is coming home to stay.  She has had enough of living in a foreign country and wants to be back at the old homestead.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and in between preparing food I was still decorating.  It was hard for me to cook this year, there were only four of us eating. I have never in my life cooked for so few people for this holiday, I always have a houseful for Thanksgiving.  One of the four of us that was eating is a vegan, so no turkey for him!  I had to make something he would eat, he also does not eat anything white, so mashed potatoes were out too!  It is difficult when you are a meat eater, cooking for someone who is not, and you have to come up with a tasty dish that they can eat. So my gears were going and this is what I came up with.

Instead of the traditional sweet potatoes for dinner, I made butternut squash instead.  My mother used to bake sweet potatoes in the oven with butter and brown sugar, so that is how I always made them.  Well, the vegan does not eat butter.  SO, I had this package of cleaned and cut butternut squash in the fridge, I pulled some light brown sugar, honey and cinnamon out of the pantry, tossed it all together in a casserole dish and baked it at 350  degrees for about 40 minutes.  Let me tell you, it was way better than sweet potatoes!


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