Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Spring Has Been Kind This Year

I go through the planting ritual of Spring every year, sometime Spring is good to me and sometimes not.  In the past Spring has been very hot, more like Summer temperatures, and no rain.  When that happens, it's very hard to keep up with the watering, and some plants and flowers just don't tolerate the heat well.  I have alot of trees around the property, but there is also alot of sun.  The sun burns plants and flowers out, even if they are supposed to be planted in the full sun, that's how hot it gets here.  So this Spring has been kind to me and my plants, so far.  Everything is coming up nicely, including the vegetable garden (more on that later).

Pretty pot of petunias and a mandevilla on the font step.
 The rhododendrons in full bloom, and the knockout roses are peeking their heads out!
The peony garden is poppin'!  These are my absolute favorite flower.
I have them in all kinds of sizes and colors.  I covet the yellow peony, I want them for my garden.
I have a long row of peonies in front of the house, and can't wait until they all open, they are so pretty.


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