Saturday, March 5, 2016

Spring Is Coming Soon, I Promise!

I was doing dishes the other night and happened to look up at the windowsill and saw this beauty that popped up from my African Violet, so I know Spring is not far behind.  This violet on my sill makes me happy when it blooms, I have had it for years, nursed it into this huge plant, and now it pays me back by bringing these lovely purple and white flowers from under it's leaves and brightens up my window in the kitchen.
After seeing my African Violet, I got into the mood of Spring and made a new wreath for the front door.  I purchased the flowers and the wreath over the weekend from Michael's, they had a 50% off sale (don't buy them any other way!).  So I thought, why not I'll get ready for when the sun starts really shining, and it's warm, and you can go outside and stay outside.....are ya feeling me people.

Dug out my hot glue gun, glue sticks, my paddle wire and got busy.
 I snip the flowers from the bushes with wire cutters, and then place them where I think I want them on the wreath, but don't glue them until I am sure.
 When all is placed then I glue everything.  I used coral, purple/lavender and yellow on a dogwood floral wreath. Total cost of the wreath was $16, and it now hangs beautifully on the front door.


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