Sunday, June 7, 2015

Easy Strawberry Shortcake

Oh my gosh I love Trader Joe's, I'm hooked and I visit the store at least once a week.  So while I was there shopping around the store, I found their version of shortcake biscuits in the bakery section.  I thought I would give them a try and make strawberry shortcakes out of them for me and the hubby.

There are 4 biscuits in the package, I used three of them for my shortcakes. These are light and mildly sweet.
 I toasted them up a bit in the oven. I baked them at 250 degrees for about 10 minutes, and then I split them in half.
 I mixed some strawberries with 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of water, let them sit for about 1/2 hour until they got syrupy.  Then I started building my shortcake......
 Added whipped cream and more strawberries......
 Another layer of biscuit, whipped cream and berries......
 Then topped it off with some of the syrup and it's ready to eat! Fast, easy, pretty dessert.


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