Saturday, May 10, 2014

To Go, Please

It's not unusual for me to find notes waiting at my bedroom door in the morning.  My kids are always on the run. They get up and are out of the house very early.  One drives to work and the other has to catch the train into the city for college.  Usually when I find their notes, it's for a breakfast sandwich that they can eat while moving.  This is one I made yesterday morning.

 My ingredients - Pop the bagel in the toaster oven, scramble eggs with a little hot sauce, salt and pepper.  Spray a small frying pan with cooking spray and cook the eggs. Microwave the bacon in a paper towel while the bagel is toasting and the eggs are cooking.  Last few minutes of the bagel toasting,  put 1 slice of cheese on each side of the bagel, let it melt.  Top with the bacon and then the scrambled eggs.  
Ready to go!  Wrap in foil to keep warm.  It takes only a few minutes for a perfect bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on an everything bagel.


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