Thursday, April 24, 2014

Mom's Baked Ham

What is going on with the price of food?!!!!!  It's outrageous.  I was looking for a ham to bake for Easter when I went to the grocery store last week, and of course as soon as you walk in they had them all beautifully packaged and displayed, to catch your eye of course.  I started looking at all of them, their weight value and cost. I needed a big one, I was feeding 11 people and wanted leftovers too.  The first one I picked up was $50!  It was a bone in spiral sliced ham for Pete's sake not a pot of gold!  I put the ham back in the case, I wasn't paying that much for a piece of meat.  I was finishing up the rest of my shopping and low and behold look over there! another case of lower priced, no fancy packaging or display, of  bone in spiral sliced hams.  Ladies let's be smart, don't be sucked in by these set ups.  Do your homework, walk that store to save yourself some money, and with a little added ingredients you probably already have at home, you can make that $50 ham yourself.  I purchased 2 hams, that's right 2, for $30 and change!  I didn't get that fancy little packet of dried stuff that they give you in the ham wrapping, that you still have to cook and pour over the top, and I didn't get the shiny wrapping.  I made my ham with my mothers recipe, the way she always made ham for Easter and it was delicious!

What you need is:  1 can of crushed pineapple, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 can of ginger ale, 2 cups of orange juice.  Remove all packaging from the ham, pull apart the slices so all the good stuff gets in between, top with the pineapple, brown sugar, ginger ale and orange juice.  Push the slices back together, cover with foil, bake in a 350 degree oven for 1 1/2 hours.
 and BAM! Juicy, sweet and flavorful baked ham, just like mom used to make.


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