Monday, July 1, 2013

Alfresco Dinner for 2

The other night I opened my spice drawer and found this Weber Caribbean Jerk Marinade that I bought, so I thought what can I do with this, it's just me and the husband for dinner.  I got out some raw shrimp and marinated it in the mix, which calls for orange juice.  It's got a little heat to it but not too much, just enough to nip your tongue then it goes away. It's very tasty.  I also made panko breaded Tilapia, a salad and homemade Lady Grey iced tea with fresh lemon. This was our meal for Saturday night it was easy, light and boy was it good!

Marinade, raw shrimp and orange juice.  Mix the marinade and the OJ in a bowl then add to the bag with the shrimp. Marinate for 1 hour.  Skewer them up and put on the grill.

I found this Peach Vanilla Dressing at The Christmas Tree Shop. Carafe is reusable to mix up your own dressing later.

SO, I made a salad with spring greens, blueberries, peaches and
 toffee almonds and used the dressing. Served up with the Tilapia and the skewered shrimp, ready to eat.

Lady Gey Iced Tea - 2 1/2 qt pitcher filled with cold water, add 8 Lady Grey tea bags, cover and let sit for 4 -5 hours. Throw tea bags out stir in 1 cup of sugar, 1/2 lemon juiced and the other half of lemon sliced.


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