Monday, July 21, 2014

Laid - Back Saturday Afternoon

Took a break from all the hustle and bustle of life, was out for a long country ride, with my "Sunday driver" husband, and came across this beautiful single lane wood bridge. I could not resist taking a picture of it and it was more fun driving across it!
Picked my first red grape tomatoes on Saturday. YAY summer freshness!
 Could not figure out WHY my bell peppers were not growing, NOW I KNOW WHY!  This creepy fat green wormy, thingy with white eggs all over it, eeeeeew!  It destroyed all of my peppers.
 AND, I caught Rocky Raccoon in broad daylight, out at the bird feeder feasting on some birdseed.  Ahhhhh, gotta love suburban living with a country feel.


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