Monday, June 10, 2013

If the Shoe Fits......

Everyone who knows me, knows I love shoes.  I can't help myself, it's and addiction people! When out shopping I always look for a pair.  Sometimes I come home with no less than 2 pair, sometimes more, on any given weekend (I know, it's sick, right).  The only good news is that they will always be on sale, never full price, and who can give that up.  I am sure I have over 200 pair of shoes. I know, it's disgraceful, shame on me, but I am addicted.  My friend bought me this sign because she is bad but not as bad as me.  I even have a problem cleaning them out, if they go out of style, for fear they will come back in style.  When my husband and I got married I had a whole box of platform shoes from the mid 1970's that I was saving.  He threw them out! Without my knowledge they went right into a dumpster.  What's in style for the last 10 years - platform shoes!   I think shoes can make or break an outfit.  Handbags and scarves are a whole other issue for me and jewelry falls into that catagory too.  I like to be dressed up when I go out, you never know who you will bump into and you want to look good.

This is an extra closet that my husband put together at Ikea for me.  It holds 64 pair of shoes on the pull out racks and more in the pull out drawer.  Hey! Look at that, on the very bottom there is a space under the drawer for more shoes.  I keep the shoes color coordinated, so just by looking you know what rack to pull out.  I also have shoe shelves in my clothes closet.  More on that later...

This is the scarf/jewelry storage in my closet.  I have too many of both and did not have storage for them.  So, between my husband and I, we came up with this idea.  There is a big decorative window in my closet between two shelves. To hold that amount of weight we opted for 3 tension shower curtain rods  I chose a bronze color because the cabinets in the closet are cherry wood and it kind of blends with it.  I hung the scarves  on the top bar and the jewelry is organized by color on the bottom two bars. 

This little guy is my new best friend.  No more carrying the heavy Dyson upstairs.  Whether dusting, making the bed or taking a shower, I push his buttons and let him roll! It's great to have something else to do the vacuuming for you. He is always charged up and ready to go.


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