Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dinner On The Deck

Stopped by my local farmers market, that we have in our small little town, they had whole filets of beef for $35 and change, so I brought one home and cut it myself into nice sized pieces.  Grilled four of them up last night for dinner and they were so scrumpdillyicious good!  Instead of just plain salt and pepper I sprinkled them with some Montreal Steak seasoning and grilled them.  Tender, melt in your mouth tasty, that's all I am saying.  Dinner was on the deck last night, it was quiet, calm, listening to nothing but the birds and crickets, enjoying a great meal, there is nothing better than that.

Grilled about 8 minutes on each side and look how nice they came out.
Served up Yukon Gold potatoes and onions cooked in a little olive oil, salt and pepper, And...
a spinach salad with hot bacon dressing.
Ready to sit down and eat with a nice glass of red wine.  Oh, and the bread, let's not forget the fresh baked bread from the Italian bakery.


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