Saturday, August 3, 2013

Quick, Grab Your Jackets Fall Is Coming!

I know it's only August, but the weather on the east coast has been more like Fall. I have turned the air conditioner off already, big savings there! It's jacket and sweater time ladies! When September rolls around, it's my favorite time of the year.  My two youngest will go back to college, the house will be quieter, no more late night door banging or food making in the kitchen at all hours of the night.  I rest easier.  September always seemed to me like a new beginning, not January. So when the weather gets cooler and all the ruckus stops around the house, I actually spend more time on myself, if you can believe that.  I dress up and go out more to keep myself occupied.  These are some of the Fall outfits I put together when I run errands or dinner out with the hubby.

Five pieces and you're out the door.  Skinny jeans, top, jacket or sweater, shoes or boots,  jewelry.
Dressed and looking chic.


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