Sunday, August 25, 2013

Do "The Chicken Dance" Chicken

Went to my local grocery store the other day and they had seasoned split chickens on sale, so I picked up a pack.  I wanted to flavor it up a little more and went browsing the pantry, after I went home, for something good.... what could I use?  I always buy marmalade in different flavors when I see it, because I love it, and you can use it a lot of different ways.  I had  a citrus flavored jar in the pantry.  It was orange, lemon and grapefruit flavored, so I thought I can brush that on the chicken to pump up the taste.  That is all I put on except what the grocery store seasoned it with.

The chicken is slathered with the marmalade and ready to go on the grill. 
 This is the chicken when I took it off the grill.  Juicy, crispy, falling off the bone chicken.  I put the flame on medium (about 350 degrees) and put the lid down, turn every 15 minutes, keep an eye on it because it will flare up.  It cooked for about 1 hour on the grill (depending on your grill heat).  So tasty and pretty!
Served grilled pineapple with it.  Cut up one pineapple and toss the pieces with brown sugar.  Grill in a grill pan for an outside grill.  It caramelizes on the grill and is much sweeter. 
Grilled some veggies - zucchini, orange and yellow peppers and red onion, don't you just love the colors!  Toss with olive oil, salt and pepper and into a pan that is made for a grill.
Yummy, tasty veggies.  Any leftovers you can toss with pasta for another meal.


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