Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Year, New Me!

Oh my gosh, a new year is here.  How many of you out there made New Year Resolutions?  I never do that, my success rate has been awful! I don't want to disappoint myself anymore, it's depressing to me, so I just don't make resolutions. Why make myself crazy trying to keep up and then fail - AGAIN!

My sister and I were on the same wave length the other day, honestly, thinking about the same thing at the same time, it was really weird.  She texted me, at the same time I was thinking of asking her, if  she wanted to join one of those "lose weight" type clinics.  I said yes, but I am not thinking of it as a resolution.  It's a "I have to feel better" thing for me.  I have deemed this year the "year of me".  I have been raising children for 38 years! who does that?  Taking care of everyone but me, now it's my turn to take care of me.  If you don't take care of you, who will?  That my friends is going to be my life long motto. Raising children got in the way of that, and rightfully so.  Do I have to lose weight, you bet I do, but for me it's more that I have to feel better.  I don't think I have to be skinny, my hubby loves me just the way I am, but I want to be around for awhile longer, and then longer than that.  I want to see all my kids get married, although at the rate they're going I may not ever see that or grandchildren! But that's OK with me as long as they are happy.

I started my new eating plan today to stay healthy and made myself this wonderful breakfast and it was fabulous:

2 eggs scrambled with green pepper and mushrooms
2 slices of whole wheat light toast with light butter
2 sliced Campari tomatoes

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